Site Nieuws
In de toekomst: De Stoombootkade en Grootzand pagina's worden nog ingevuld. Misschien worden de Plantiac Bedevaarten ook nog vertaald naar het Nederlands. Hopelijk worden nog andere foto's van flessen/glazen/promo-materiaal/etc. toegevoegd.
30 mei 2017
Een mooie afbeelding vanuit de lucht van het huis aan de Secretaris Haitsmalaan 2 toegevoegd, en 't huisnummer overal gecorrigeerd.
20 oktober 2016
"Waar te koop?" pagina voor Beerenburg toegevoegd.
24 april - 24 augustus 2016
De site is totaal vernieuwd op basis van een professioneel CMS, mede door advies en hulp van de immer geduldigde en deskundige Frederic "Dyno" Poeydomenge. De oude site is verdwenen.
27 juni 2015
Doorgegaan met vertalen en hier en daar wat tekst verbeterd.
23 februari 2015
De hele site is structureel tweetalig gemaakt.
27 January 2014
Corrected a few year datings on the Historical Awareness -> Grootzand page. Added a a cool stained glass gallery to the Promotional Items menu, and one light sign to the Promotional Items -> Light Signs page.
17 September 2013
After finding about a dozen more scans of Plantinga stationery, a new picture section ("Plantinga stationery") was created. Also, one more Plantiac light sign picture was added to the "Promotional Material" part of the site.
29 July 2013
Extended the "What is Plantiac..." page with regard to the use of eau-de-vie.
27 May 2013
Added pictures and added/changed descriptions to the Historical Background pages of "Dijkstraat", "Dijkstraat 7", "Grootzand" and "Stoombootkade 2", and the the "Light Signs" page of the Promotional Articles section. Added a new historical background page with old and new maps of Bolsward.
27 March 2013
The historical background texts on the "'t Laag" and "Grootzand 6" pages have been improved/extended. Picture of KP Plantinga's old abode in Leeuwarden added to the "Plantinga People and Houses". Picture of another type of ash tray added to the "Promo" section.
19 January 2013
With the addition of embedded video playing, the Historical Sections on Dijkstraat and Grootzand have been improved. Pictures added to the Dijkstraat, Stoombootkade and The Plantinga Shop page. Video clip added to the Plantinga Shop page.
13 November 2012
Added an improved picture from an early 1960s ad to the Plantinga Bessen page. Added an inspiring picture of a filled 1870-1970 Plantiac anniversary glass to the Promotional Items.
15 October 2012
The entire "What?!" page has been rewritten. The Plantiac light signs have been moved from the "Various Other Pictures" to their own little page within the "Promotional Material" pages (with a new sign added). This Promo page has also been extended with a "Key Rings" section. Fixed the Bottles & Labels gallery which didn't display any (!) pictures in some browsers.
Outside of the site, time was spent creating English language Wikipedia "Dutch Brandy" and "Plantiac" pages, thanks to kind and patient assistance by David van de Vondervoort. A beginning has been made with a "Klaas Plantinga" page, however the Wikipedia bots seem to insist it is too similar to a page on (duh!). In the pipeline somewhere in the future are "Plantinga Friesch Rood" and "Plantinga Beerenburg" Wikipedia pages, and later probably Dutch language versions of the same. The world needs to be educated :-)
4 September 2012
This time a purely technical update. Improved the underlying HTML code and improved the "Tooltip" style text display in the texts of the Plantiac background pages and the various Pilgrimage pages. Not a single byte of text or picture was altered.
2 September 2012
Added some cool stuff to the "Labels and Bottles" page (regarding miniature bottles), the "Beerenburg" page (regarding miniature bottles) and the "Various Other Pictures" page (regarding an old picture postcard).
25 August 2012
A huge number of advertisement scans (kindly submitted by Bastiaan Plantinga) allowed for the rough history of Plantiac bottles and labels to be vastly extended and made much more specific. This is reflected in the label gallery, which now also incorporates the bottle gallery. Many (!) of the actual advertisements have enriched the "Plantiac Advertisements" page, as well as the individual "Plantinga-Related Products" pages about Bessen Jenever and Beerenburg. All in all, a pretty major site update all thanks to Bastiaan.
7 July 2012
Extended and/or corrected practically all pages (except for the pilgrimages, labels, bottles and recipes), with quite some photo material added as well. Basically, too much to list. Also corrected, thoughout the site, the year of KP's death (which was incorrectly stated to be 1921, but is 1922) and the proper description of Gerrit Herman (Herman) Plantinga (born 1929) who was improperly called KP's grandson when in fact he is KP's great-grandson. Thanks in particular to Bastiaan Plantinga, who almost single-handedly got me everything (and all information) that was added this time.
20 May 2012
Extended the "Promotional Articles - Playing Cards" page with two new designs. Also improved their chronological sorting.
24 April 2012
Moved the "Klippenhuisjes" picture to the "Stoombootkade 12" page; extended the "Voorburg" description in the "Various Past Plantinga Products" page; added pictures of Gerrit Herman Plantinga (b. 1929, grandson of Klaas Plantinga) to the "Plantinga People" page, as well as a 1920 family tree of Klaas & Ytje and their children; improved and extended the "Promotional Articles -> Playing Cards" gallery.
2 April 2012
Corrected the who-thought-up-the-Plantiac-name question, which caused changes in the Plantinga People page, and the "What is it?" page. Also added links to a few extra web shops were Plantiac can be bought, and one more Advert.
31 March 2012
Corrected some details about Plantinga's early 1970s history, corrected some typos, added a separate "Stoombootkade 12" page to the Historic Page (and and re-arranged it), merged the Klaas Plantinga picture into the "Plantinga People" page (and added more pictures), actually changed the "Plantinga People" page into a "Plantinga People, Homes and Graves" page, some Plantinga adverts (including the oldest one, from 1870!) added to the "Adverts" section, replaced the various original 1921 pictures by new bigger scans (with 4 extra ones!), added pictures to the "Various Other Pictures" and "Related Products" sections. Extended the historic details on the Stoombootkade 2, Dijkstraat 7 and "How did it all start?" pages. As a special bonus, personal archive pictures of the First Plantiac Pilgrimage have been added to its page (20 years overdue!).
6 March 2012
Yet another big update, after contact with Peter "Bolsward History Buff" Mulder, more information from Sidney "SBH" Zeeger and a visit to Bastiaan "great-great-grandchild of Klaas Pieter" Plantinga! Just about every single page had had stuff added to, or corrected. Here is a full list: Added information on the Beerenburg page, added info to the Plantinga Bessen page, added Cap Code Deciphering to the Plantiac bottles page, added rough history to the Plantiac labels page (plus quite a few more labels, including some really old ones), changed all previous mention of 20 cc bottles (because they turned out to be 40 cc :-), properly credited the 1921 sepia pictures, updated and corrected the Plantinga history page, extended the Dijkstraat/Grootzand/Stoombootkade history pages, extended the "Plantinga people" section, extended the advertisements section, added the "'t Laag" location page, extended the "Other Products from the Past" page, added 200 cc and 500 cc bottle blueprints to the bottles pages, added some more old "Prijscouranten", moved the gravestone pictures into the "Plantinga People" page, added some old bills and receipts to the "Various" section.
In the pipeline: Updated (i.e. bigger) versions of the 1921 sepia pictures, more Plantinga paperwork, and more historic details provided by Gerrit Herman Plantinga (father of Bastiaan, great-grandchild of Klaas Pieter) and Peter Mulder.
25 February 2012
The biggest update since the one at the beginning of the year, primarily caused by my visiting Bolsward for a second time ("The Third Plantiac Pilgrimage", if you will). Added a written report about that day, added promo material pictures, added advertisements, added Plantiac bottles, added Friesch Rood bottles, added a Beerenburg bottle, added labels, added a "Plantinga-related Products > Other Products from the Past" gallery, extended the Dijkstraat and Grootzand pages, created a separate "what!?" page, added a prijscouranten (price lists) page in the Historical Awareness, extended/detailed/corrected the Planginta/Plantiac history. Lastly, corrected typos and layout all over the place.
12 February 2012
Various bigger detail shots of Plantiac labels were added in their own gallery. Some general old pictures of semi-related Bolsward scenery were added, too, as well as some bottle/label shots from a recently obtained bottle of Plantinga Fries Rood bessenjenever, and from a new 200 cc bottle of Plantiac. Also changed Guestbooks as Lycos will soon discontinue their HTML Guest Gear service.
23 January 2012
Corrected some of the historical data after Bastiaan Plantinga noticed some errors. Also enhanced the description of the Plantinga abode in the Historical section.
18 January 2012
Google Streetview link added to the Leeuwarden industrial estate location where Plantiac is actually produced these days.
14 January 2012
Pictures of the Plantinga family grave added to the "Historical Awareness" section.
12 January 2012
A lot of information (much of it related to Plantinga / Boalsert KP Beerenburg) was received from Mr Johan van der Weide. Most of this ended up in the "Plantinga-Related Products --> Plantinga Beerenburg" part of the site, some in the "Historical Awareness" part. Furthermore, A little brainwave caused Google Streetview links to all historical Plantinga-related sites (a new link in the main menu) to be added. Also added: New Boalsert KP Beerenburg pictures, new Plantinga Bessen picture. More underway!
4 January 2012
Quite a bit of information about Plantinga / Boalsert KP Beerenburg added. Main page navigation restructured by cutting out the "Gallery" menu and instead offering quicker access to the picture content from the index page.
3 January 2012
After 3 days of updating, the first time since February 2004, the site was totally overhauled. A lot of new pictures/information/history was added, and the domain registered to emphasize the Dutch roots of this site.
25 February 2004
Last update for a very, very long while...
15 February 1999
Site extended with 13 historic pictures from 1921.
14 juli 1998
De eerste versie van de site is af.