Reclame voor overige Plantinga producten

Advertisement for Plantiac, Berry Gin or Beerenburg can be found on the pages of those products.

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The first Plantinga advert, very shortly after starting the company, in the Leeuwarder Courant, 1870. Scan provided by Peter Mulder.


Another really early one, this time from 1872. Scan provided by Bastiaan Plantinga.


Advert from 1898 for "Wielerkwast" (English "Lemon Squash"), one of the new products that were produced by Plantinga after Gerrit Herman Plantinga joined the company. Incidentally, it is also a job vacancy advert. Scan provided by Bastiaan Plantinga.

Plantinga advertisement from an old newspaper, probably late 1910s to mid-1920s. Picture provided by Bastiaan Plantinga.


Plantinga advertisement as featured in the Bolsward City Guide of 1922. Picture (and city guide scan) kindly provided by the Stichting Bolsward's Historie (

Plantinga advertisement as featured in the Bolsward City Guide of around 1930. Picture (and city guide scan) kindly provided by the Stichting Bolsward's Historie (

Another one from around that time. Scan by Bastiaan Plantinga.


Colourful (if rather colonial) Plantinga advertisement, definitely Pre-1940s. Picture provided by Bastiaan Plantinga.


Large cardboard advertisement promoting Plantinga Cherry Liquer. Date unknown. Picture by Bastiaan Plantinga.


General Plantinga promotion sign. Unfortunately no date known. Picture by Bastiaan Plantinga.