Plantiac is a particularly soothing brand of Dutch brandy (in Dutch called "Vieux") which, although unfortunately not exactly crafted according to near-natural principles, awards the enthusiastic sipper with a smooth feeling in the throat, a pleasant feeling in the head, a warm feeling in the gullet and stomach, and no hangover to boot! Also known as 'The Divine Fluid', it has been known to make its way onto more than one (especially Dutch) Atari computer coding convention. A few people really learned to like this thanks to ST NEWS, and quite a few bottles have been exported - to great joy and general shoutings of "yeah!" - to countries the likes of Norway, Canada, Germany, France, Sweden, Poland, Luxemburg, Finland, Austria, Ireland and England. To get to the bottom of the process which is used to make this Fluid, the "Plantiac Pilgrimages" were undertaken, of which faithful reports can be found on this site as well.
After we had tested - literally - just about every conceivable brand of 'vieux', Harmen Posthuma (father of ST NEWS co-conspirator Stefan) suggested we try Plantiac. We'd never heard of it before, but were hooked instantly. It was not commonly available in all the shops, which is probably why we hadn't discovered it yet. That was around mid 1988.
Because of the status Plantiac acquired in the scene of people we mingled in, it was high time for some kind of tribute to The Divine Fluid, which is exactly the reason why this site was eventually started in June of 1998. Throughout the years its scope widened to include not only Plantiac, but also other Plantinga-related products and other aspects of the Plantinga family, even the streets they worked and lived in.
This site is not sponsored by Plantinga, Sonnema, Herman Jansen, UTO, Boomsma or anyone else associated previously or currently with Plantiac, Plantinga Cognac or Plantinga Beerenburg. Like any other fan page, it is not a commercial site. The logos were used without specific permission of anyone involved in the marketing, distribution or production of Plantiac.
Needless to say, this site wasn't put up to encourage people to consume alcohol irresponsibly. If you imbibe anything, keep a measure (Dutch: "Geniet, maar drink met mate").